
You know, this reminds me a lot of what I read on Penny Arcade a few years back. When they were doing their 'Precipice of Darkness' trilogy, they wanted to then take all 3 games, bundle them onto a single disc, and sell them at retail. They went to Gamestop with their plan, and Gamestop refused them. They said that if

It seems to imply that this isn't Impulse he is referring to (as to the best of my knowledge that is a download service, not a streaming service), which is what everybody has been assuming so far. Maybe they're trying to make something that is pretty similar to what OnLive is.

Exactly. This still sucks, but at least it isn't deceitful.

Sadly, not enough people check stuff like that.

That wasn't a 'competing service' as OnLive is. Gamestop doesn't want people using OnLive as they fear it is a threat to their business model.

I'll be buying my games from Target or an online retailer from now on.

Dear Gamestop:

Pervert? I believe the term you were looking for was 'bigot'.

I'd be fine with the 3d effect if they could figure out how to give it a wider viewing angle. Do that, and give it a longer battery life, and I might be interested.

Ah, okay.

They made the official arcade sticks for Street Fighter 4 and Mortal Kombat, both of which got pretty good reviews. They seem to be getting better at high-end stuff.

I had around 50 of the Cie'th missions done in FF13 when the game decided to corrupt my save. I didn't like having a lot of extra saves cluttering my disc, so I only saved to a new slot at the start of each chapter. This meant that I lost all my progress since beating the last boss.

Isn't it bad legal strategy to admit that you were trying corner the other party into a lawsuit?

Gonna try and finish off FF9 this weekend. I played through most of it long ago, but when I got to the final boss that seemed to come out of nowhere I didn't feel much motivation to defeat it. It wasn't until several months later that somebody explained to me what the heck it is and how it fits into the storyline. But

Friendly tip: when you post that picture, it makes YOU come off as whiny.

The graphics capabilities of the portable systems always seem to be inflated. It seems like they think that because the screen is smaller, we won't notice.

Yeah, clearly the 3DS is capable of better than this.

Dude, don't even bother with this guy. He's clearly lost. It doesn't matter what you say, you're the 'enemy' and therefore will be disregarded.

The select and start buttons do not belong below the screen. They should be below the 4 face buttons. That's one of the things that bugs me about the 3DS as well, since its select and start buttons are similarly placed to this.

Taking out the Gamecube compatibility will probably mean that it will cost less.