
I got that same 'been there, done that' feeling during the dungeons of Twilight Princess. I think the overall flow of the dungeons in the 3d Zelda games has become a bit formulaic. I hope this time they make the dungeons a bit more open, so that you're not constrained to a single path throughout the dungeon. For

You should try Donkey Kong Country Returns. It is an excellent game.

Don't they tax digital sales?

On a portable device? It'll be flash memory.

Just ignore the troll.

Or how about just Castleoid? That certainly rolls off the tongue a lot easier than Metroidvania.

I was surprised to see NBA 2K12 on the list. I didn't realize online retailers would discount pre-orders like that.

Why don't we just call them exploration games? That term hasn't been taken yet.

Yeah, I think this patent won't hold up if anyone challenges it in court. Prior work and all that.

I was so excited when I finally got to the big open field in Pulse. "Yes!" I thought, "an open world to explore!" Then I realized the only reason to explore was to complete monster-killing quests, and the main story was still just a linear path...

It's like when you go see a movie and enjoy it, and your friend says, "But the book was sooo much better."

I know Mario Kart Wii with the Wiimote is actually pretty fun. It puts you at a disadvantage, but I still like to play that way. So I imagine if they did something similar, it could be enjoyable enough.

Realistically, you're paying for iLife in the cost of the hardware, and aren't given the option to decline it.

Welcome to the wonderful world of business!

This really isn't surprising. Perhaps more surprising is that Nintendo didn't drop the price sooner after the announcement - as they were basically guaranteeing that sales would slow down significantly between the announcement and the price drop. I mean, who's going to buy it for $250 when they can wait a few weeks

Dude, that's a great comparison.

This is an Ubisoft PC game? Does that mean its going to have their awful DRM?

Interestingly, Domino's has successfully rebuilt their image and is doing fairly well again. Supposedly their pizza is better now (I can't speak from experience as personally I haven't had a Domino's pizza in about 20 years).

They should bring back the cool spot, and make it the mascot for dnL. Give it a second chance to succeed, since caffeinated beverages are so popular nowadays.
