
It's not childish. It's called taking a stand. In fact, it would be more childish to ignore your morals and buy it anyway.

People who buy the game at the store will still have to sign up for Origin to receive updates and patches. It won't change anything.

Everybody hates Ubisoft's DRM but they keep using it.

Regardless of how you buy it, you'll have to sign up for Origin to receive updates. That's 100% what this is about - the other digital distribution systems will let EA do this while Steam won't.

It's actually pretty sad when you think about how little support these devices have gotten post-release.

Even if they did add the second analog stick, no games would support it. So it would be pointless.

There was. It was back in the early '90s, and centered on games like Nightrap and Mortal Kombat. It's essentially what led to the creation of the ESRB.

They'll change their terms of service to allow F2P games if it will make them enough money.

You'd be surprised at how little the suits actually know.

We were talking about the price cut at the office today, and one of my co-workers posited that the $250 price point had been an experiment by Nintendo to see how well the system would sell with an inflated price. Then this price cut would simply be them making it cost what it should've in the first place.

Ubisoft: we don't want you to buy our games.

Yeah, I've never had the annoying pushy retailers at the Gamestops I've shopped at. I feel bad for the people who live near the bad ones, but they do seem to vary from area to area.

"Looks good!"

Actually a smooth first-person camera is in many ways more realistic than a shaky, bouncy one. When you move about in real life, your inner ear works with your brain to correct and stabilize the image you see. For instance, try tilting you head to the side about 30 degrees while looking at your computer screen. You'll

Originally it wasn't. But then at some point during production they basically fired everyone and decided to start over.

Played through the first game on hard on someobody here's suggestion. Most of the complaints levied by reviewers (redundant moves, lack of challenge) evaporate on hard. This made the game really fun, though I did want to tear my hair out sometimes.

Yeah, it would be like suggesting that Youtube should be liable for every copyright violation by its uploaders.

Or they could keep the system where you heal to full health after every battle. Then you wouldn't have to run back to town to stay in an inn all the time. You'd just run back to town to buy new equipment, which presumably wouldn't happen that often.

Yeah. As Capcom said a few years ago with Resident Evil 5 and Street Fighter 4, good games will sell regardless of when they're released.

You could do it with the copious save points. Just keep in mind it will take you weeks to get anywhere in the story then.