
That's the benefit of storing your game data on a flash cart.

The fact that they highlight serving dinner to their employees is a huge red flag. It means their employees are working a lot of unpaid overtime.

Exactly. The fact that they are highlighting the fact that they serve dinner to their employees is cause for concern.

Dude, I've pointed this out many times before. Nobody around here listens to logic.

I wonder if Sixto Away is good at remixing game songs.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks that doesn't look very good. The cliffs, sand, houses, and shallow water still have the old style, which doesn't match with the water and trees.

Xbox Live exposes a mute functionality, so every single game on the 360 has it. You can even set the system to auto-mute everybody who isn't on your friends list.

Well, you could kill the skull kid in the Lost Woods with Biggron's Sword for a large rupee (worth 200) over and over again. Don't know if that was intentional or not though.

Wow, what a douche.

The scattergun normally has 5 shots before you have to reload. 40% of 5 is 2, so like the force-a-nature, the new scattergun has a clip size of 2.

TF2 has a free play week on PC this week. Give it a download and try out all the new updates. You might decide its worth spending $10 on it.

Yeah, it will mean giving up the sticky launcher or the pipebomb launcher. Both of which are huge negatives.

That new bat sounds pretty sweet.

There just hasn't been that much in the way of good JRPGs this generation. Vesperia was probably the best, followed by Lost Odyssey. It is definitely ironic that both were exclusive to the 360 in the west, considering that the PS2 was the go-to system for JRPGs last generation.

How is that any different than what he said in the article? He said that MS paid for the exclusive.

You definitely should carry the homewrecker then. Your engies will love it when you save their stuff with it.

Wow. This is a great argument for NOT buying a Kinect.

The axtinguisher can solve that - two hits can take out a heavy with full health.

One week trial, like those free-to-play weekends they've done in the past.

You just need more practice as the spy. Some of the people I play against are insanely good at taking out engineer encampments. As for the pyro, well, that's the class you need to avoid. Instead, why not tail some of those big juicy heavies?