Stein is short her goal. I donated because I figure anything to keep the Mango Despot out of office is worth a few dollars.
Stein is short her goal. I donated because I figure anything to keep the Mango Despot out of office is worth a few dollars.
This is men. No where in his pissbaby rant did he mention consent. “Do you think it’s wrong to send people pictures of yourself?” Yeah, if they haven’t asked for them. “Are porn stars creepy” No, they consented to those videos being distributed to the public. And the public isn’t being forced to watch them. The…
Look he can’t hel...
I’m glad that the law has finally stopped looking the other way with this bullshit.
And the blown out eye. That’s creepy, too.
Go click. There should be nothing there to offend you. Other than Bieber.
It’s Justin Bieber grabbing the crotch of his wax dummy.
The blown out eye isn’t creepy. The entire “posting an ex on the internet” is creepy as heck.
Trump seems to hire wildly inept lawyers. Like the guy who argued in court that spousal rape doesn’t exist, and needed to be corrected by the judge. That guy still works for Trump all these years later. The idea he hires “the best people” is hilarious.
I do not think the lawsuits will succeed. But their filing is evidence that if you poke the Adderall-addicted bear hard enough, you’ll get a response.
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
Who’s to say Jill Stein couldn’t benefit from a recount if millions of illegals voted? What if 123 million illegals voted for Trump and Hillary (we all know that Hillary had 800 million of them queued to enter the country in the first week of her presidency)?
My partner is convinced that all his claims of rigged elections during the campaign were a ruse to get Hillary Clinton to agree to accept the results, because he knew that the election was being rigged in his own favor somehow.
There is plenty of reason to doubt the validity of the election in which the person who won lost by over 2.5 million people.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Or the possibility (minuscule as it may be) that there is some reason to doubt the legitimacy of the election.
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
Satanists, doing god’s work. Because we live in the upside-down now.
Just a quick reminder of their refreshingly sane tenets (from the membership page- only $25! I know what I’m getting my friends for Xmas now):
God bless the Satanists.