(a handy roadmap to purge federal employees because of their political beliefs)
(a handy roadmap to purge federal employees because of their political beliefs)
They’re absolutely delusional. If Trump were to bring back slavery and you passed one of them during your 18 hour shift in the Twitter mines, they would say “You know, slavery would have been much worse until Hillary.”
he does realize that we owe them 1.157 trillion dollars, right? i’m not sure what leverage he thinks we have in this economic situation.
The same. Because they are dumb.
He is soooooooo dummmmmbbbbbbb
I wonder how all those “Never Clinton” folks feel about her now.
Seriously - every episode I have seen has the exact same “plot”: they find a potential house to flip. She says something wise about the costs, about being careful because [reason], etc. He pays no attention to her and does what he wants (nearly every time this means overpaying for a house they decided not to buy). She…
What? An early miscarriage is mostly blood and gunk? There’s no perfectly formed miniature baby to put in a super cute miniature casket?
hmm. if i’m scolding anyone, though i don’t think i’d use that word, i’m scolding the patriarchy for being suckas
Perhaps the veracity of anthropogenic climate change was in one of the 34 daily briefings he’s skipped? Yup, that sort of data’s in there too Donny! It’s not all exploding cigars and Stealth Bomber V3 updates!
“I’m still open-minded,” he told Chris Wallace. “Nobody really knows. Look, I’m somebody who gets it, and nobody really knows. It’s not something that’s so hard and fast.”
From the very same people who brought you Ben Carson as head of HUD just because he’s black
The story people were spreading on here was that Rudy fell asleep during a meeting, and Trump crossed his name off the list. Poor Rudy, it’s not easy for him to be out in the hours of daylight.
Ambassador to Italy??! What, because there are lots of guidos in jersey?? Lol this administration is fucking hilarious.
When I was about his age I’d go to Toys R’Us after school to play Goldeneye on their display N64.
Doesn’t matter he wants to play that game, he was there everyday to play the same thing everyday.