Don't Touch LOLA Falana

This comment deserves all the stars.

Restarts campaign for Rev. Pix Butts

Didn’t Intergluteal Cleft open for the Butthole Surfers at Poplar Creek in ‘83?

There have been worse polos on National TV...

I guess the “statute of limitations” has passed on this. I actually participated in a similar study, along with my then-wife. They put us into a group of five players, with a dungeon-style roster (A Tank-me, A Healer- my ex-wife, and three DPS). Although, I was told later that size of the groups that participated

The new official KINJA tattoo?

Not to be confused with WYLD STALLYNS!

So, the NYC team mascot is a Gargoyle?

Or, as Eddie Murphy said in his magnum ops, Delirious:

The videos for each team are...well they are something.

Y’all sitting around debating whether the Browns “process” is going to be anything more than a case of the runs caused by Skyline chili...

I thought it was Jacques Jones.

Name of the Year nominee?

I know a guy who yells that when he plays cornhole....on every fucking one of his throws.

“Fuck Gooo?”

Plain Triscuit with some prosciutto and grated Parmesan. yum

You walk into your house from back from food shopping, and your wife and kids are not to be seen. What you do see is all of your ex-girlfriends, drinking tea with stern looks on their faces. What do you do?


Or in the “leaded, high octane” coffee.