Davis is once again the Indestrucable Red Shirt!!
In hindsight, I look at the first two-thirds of Season One as character development, as well as the arc about Coulson’s resurrection. You get into some back stories and histories, but the show takes the time and gets you to CARE about the characters. Then. BOOM! the HYDRA reveal, a great heel turn, and we’re off and…
Aaccording to Cricket, Deke also stole The Whitesnake classic “Here I Go Again”.
I disagree with your assessment of the visuals of this episode. The missile attack at the beginning was amazing, albeit brief. The VFX were terrific, especially the Zephyr’s countermeasures. Smoke is notoriously difficult to render in cgi. Mark Kolpak and his crew once again did a fantastic job!
Yeah i was wondering how the Chronicoms messing with the Malick family would have affected He-who-would-become-SquidWard...err I mean Hive. Did someone else go to Maveth?
All I have to say about this episode is...
Somewhat off subject, but does anyone else use the Baron’s quote “WHO WANTS A SHOT?” from season one when watching any other vampire movie/show?
Okay...was it just me, or did was Bartender-Lex giving off a David Spade vibe.
Possibly, but the episode where he broke into the Argus prison, using ALL of his stolen abilities (while Beethoven’s Ninth played in the background) was entertaining.
To paraphrase Vampire Council member “Paul” from Season one:
Two words:
While I personally think it might have been Carl weathers’s character, the fan boy in the deep recesses of my mind whispered: “Whoever this character is, i hope he’s played by Clark Gregg or Blair Underwood”.
What was the way Alice described Mary..
I agree with your list of omissions, particularly MAOS..but the again, I am biased (see moniker). Vastly underrated for years, and I would put season four up against any season of any show in the genre. Elizabeth Henstridge not getting any Emmy considerations for her work in Season 3-5 is a crime.
Take your STAR, you Magnificent Bastard!
On the flip-side, I have enjoyed the interaction between Lena and not AIDA from Agents of SHEILD season four Eve this season.
Insert “Flavortown as a team city” reference here:
Came here for the Adam Gase references.