My favorite line of the episode.
My favorite line of the episode.
As bat-shit crazy as this show has been throughout most of its run, I was surprised as to how comparatively low key the finale was.
A valid point. Are you saying that the left doesn't do the exact same thing with all Republicans/Conservatives? I ask, because I get lumped together with the MAGA crowd, when I have never voted for the asshat. Nor do I plan to.
It’s a damn Greek tragedy...
The good Reverend Pix Butt shall AVENGED!
As a Cubs fan, please let me express that your sentiments, sir, make you a far superior fan of Baseball than any of those pompous, entitled, slack-jawed asshat Cardinal fans. Also, your stadium totally fucking rocks.
Well played, sir...well played indeed.
That being said, no athlete of merit is rushing to get here to play for the Bulls or White Sox, so that cuts into the appeal.
But aren’t Unions supposed to be above all that, as one of the pillars of the left? I mean, the leadership of a DNC supporting group doing something like this, based on race, would be hypocrisy.
I see what you did there...
I am shocked...truly shocked that everyone’s inner 12 year-old did not compel them to vote for Reverend Pix Butt.
The day you were graced by the opportunity to witness Mr. Julia embody the role of Bison was the most important day of your cinematic viewing life. but for him.... (all together now kids)
I agree.
I also enjoyed Dark World. It was the first movie that began to show Hemsworth’s range for the character. It also gave us a look into the true nature of Loki, and show that he could become the anti-hero that he eventually did become.
Hell, I’m a white dude, and I lost my shit. It was a very effective moment.
He means that! Look how he used all CAPS! That means FIERCE CONVICTION!
+1 for the SHIELD/Watchdog reference and comparison.
And this, kids, is why we have the Darwin Awards.