Don't Touch LOLA Falana

I, for one, will welcome our new Murder Bird Overlords...

“Stark, you have my respect.”

Paul Rudd speculated that Ant-Man would have chosen Thanos’s ear, rather than his rectum.

With Alphonso MacKenzie now running S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury is more of a consultant. 

Also, (SPOILER):

Doesn’t Barton have three?

Came here for Hunt for Red October reference. Leaving happy.

On the self-checkout debate:

Alas, I also feel the good Reverend has met his demise.   My dream of a Rev. Pix Butt/Pope Thrower final has also met its demise. 

Hi Albert,

Final form will be a gif of Gruden’s head, slowly turning redder and redder, until it explodes like the Tesla in today’s Jalopnik story.

Last shot:

I am beginning to think Tormund and Brieanne are becoming FitzSimmons of GoT, with all the shit that happens to them.

Take your star, you magnificent, Polarizing Bastard.

Well, at least they did not use the word “efforting.”

...aaaand Robert Kraft jokes in

Diana, have you seen the reports of someone allegedly trying to sell the surveillance video to a couple of blog sites?

Okay. I’ll say it... SOMEONE has too...

...and they would have gotten away with it too if they put more effort into not being junk and safety.
