This is Deadspin. Keyword hot takes are expected.
This is Deadspin. Keyword hot takes are expected.
While the bears do need to upgrade the kicking position, if the defense had not missed tackles on Philly’s last scoring drive, allowing chunks of yards after the catch, they would not have been in the position of needing a FG to win.
I got the feeling that the “MVP” chant in Chicago was more mocking, seeing as how he shit all over the team and the fans.
Maybe he should contact Chicago Alderman Ed Burke. Word is that he is experienced in...shall we say... “aggressively bargaining” with Burger King franchise owners...allegedly.
Is that like moving your hand across your body when approaching an automatic door?
Meal plan for tonight: Homemade General Tso’s Chicken
It was good to have a Dalek episode. But I agree, they should not have to rely on them, or the Cybermen for any incarnation of the Doctor to “prove themselves.”
Rule me on this. I stumbled upon it accidentally.
Yeah...that sounds bad.
Seriously. That was so bat-shit crazy, it belongs on this season’s Gotham.
Just don’t repeat Luke’s Dab afterwards....please.
Is that anything like...
Cue the Jim Ross voiceover.
I sports blogger acquaintance recently told me he would have voted Mussina in ages ago (if he had a vote), but some voters think he is in that “very thin, gray area between HOF caliber and the Hall of the very good.”
I’m sure he’s the stable force that can rein in the factions
Or just give them worthless paper saying they are part owners of the team.
+1 although the John Denver reeference... just didn’t fly.
Agreed. we need to get these out of control puns corralled.
Drew, it was the creepy doll lady from the Chopped episode, wasn’t it?