Don't Touch LOLA Falana

You can tell this was not shot in Alabama...

Next schedule photoshoot:

You are all magnificent bastards for tainting this beautiful moment with a virtual eruption of puns.

I am sooo stealing that Rex Ryan pep talk and using it, verbatim, for EVERYONE FUCKING ONE of my son’s pee wee soccer games...

Are you surprised by this tactic? Come on... The “I’m a misogynist and sexual predator and a bad person...BUT AT LEAST I’M NOT TRUMP!!!” move is standard now.

Punch Rock-Groin

Former Ft. Wayne, Indiana Mayor: Harry Baals

Take your +1,, you magnificent bastard!

There were 83 fans...

Take your +1, you lecherous, magnificent bastard!

The citizens of Nanking were also against Japanese butchery...

If he is actually using the deer for sustenance, and not just to throw a trophy on a wall, then I personally don’t have an issue.

This is just screaming...dare I say...BEGGING for the Jim Ross treatment.

Or The penis mightier!

MF? Maynard Ferguson?

That describes me as well. Guess we both have TWTW!

Okay...completely off subject here...

What? no Planet Hulk??

Came here for the Nibiru reference...

Am I the only one that keeps thinking...