
Misspelling a place’s name can happen no matter where the misspeller lives.

This time I’m make a mental effort to forget the perpetrator’s name and remember the victim’s.

And not with his dad, who apparently didn’t respond to her first videos of her abusing his son. What the fuck? Why did it take someone else seeing them to report her? Christ.

We promptly contacted Precinct 4 and gave them the information. We can’t investigate something in somebody else’s jurisdiction.

Jesus Christ, I can’t imagine doing this to your own child to spite your ex. This woman deserves all the bad things that are about to happen to her, and I hope her son is put into a loving home. No child deserves that.

My parents are peasants and my father was furious and immediately shut it down when my sister started seeing a therapist in high school after contemplating suicide.

The royals are not the most emotionally healthy people. Phillip was playing squash when Charles was born, and Elizabeth saw her four children twice a day, morning and evening, before they were old enough to be sent to boarding school. Otherwise they were raised by nannies. Any self-awareness Will and Harry have comes

You’d be surprised. I had to beg my mom for therapy after my dad was killed and even then she was more worried about how my going made her look. I was 13.

Um, have you not seen how that family has operated for generations?

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” —Maya Angelou

Couldn’t any gangbanger make the same claim? “The murderous, terrifying persona I use on the streets is all an act, it couldn’t be further from my true nature or my personality. I am a loving teddybear on my own time, but my day job representing MS-13 is performance art, and ‘Trigger Mike’ is just a character I play.”

THIS is really IT right here. She is a grifter in a long con. This is the only way she can make any kind of money and get some fame. That is why she is so despicable...she knows exactly wtf she’s doing.

People used to call her Rachel Downey Jr.

“Well after talking to Rachel I’ve come to the conclusion that I am in fact Steve Harvey. I’m bald, the mustache, my second favorite hobby is mansplaining. The evidence; it’s all there.”

She would probably say, with a straight face, that RDJ’s character is an appropriation of her life and story.

She is only claiming he is a nice guy because he hasn’t been captured yet. He is still a threat to everyone and putting the blame on her. If she condemns him in any kind of way it could make the situation worse for other innocent people. She is trying not to set him off further.

I wouldn’t jump on her too much for sayin’ what she said. Yeah it’s an oddball comment and obviously doesn’t show much tact but the lady is probably wondering how in the fuck this all happened and is in a bit of shock.

I hate to break it to her, but Steve really is not a nice guy.

Steve really is a nice guy... he is generous with everyone he knows. He was kind and loving to me and my children.

Even a bag of dicks can do something right once in a lifetime.