
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for debt forgiveness, I can tell you I don't have a drop down menu for that. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you set

That's not a surprise. It would be better to have universal childcare and parents can pay into it on a sliding scale depending on income or something.

Yes. The high cost of childcare is one of the many reasons it makes better financial sense for single mothers to go on welfare and stay home with the kids. Politicians say they want to get people off welfare and then make it as difficult as possible to do so. Stupid. If couples have to spend a significant amount

We also have to make sure that babysitters and nannies are paid a living wage, though. I was a nanny last year. I got paid $80 a day for my 13 1/2 hour shifts with two children under the age of 3. (That's a little under $6 an hour) I worked 3-4 days a week. I had another job that paid me another $75 a week. It was

There's a big difference between taking up more space because your body takes up more space and lying across all three seats on the A-train because you want to put your feet up.

We've occasionally had Bush appointees giving pro-LGBT decisions, so this isn't indicative of jack shit, but here's the presidential appointment breakdown of the current 10th:

Good, it nourishes us.

I really don't understand why every single place has to be child-friendly now. Can there be SOME places where adults can expect to be able to go and be away from children? Is that so horrible? That's not saying your child is horrible, or disgusting, or needs to die. Just that we should still be able to have SOME

Errr another "fun fact" of the night

"Hysterical woman" needing to be, uh, "held" by the neck in order to "focus her attention" in an incident which was "totally overdramatised" was pretty much Saatchi's initial response to it.

I work at a marketing research firm and they have photocopies of everyone ID and SS card. Has nothing to do with the profession people work in. What it might have to do with the amount of illegals trying to get jobs in the US and if the Feds ever come to the place of business they will have everyone SS card/ID on

*Human anatomy is gross and offensive if it doesn't give straight men funny peen feelings.

I'm sure Christian parents are eagerly awaiting her parenting advice.

This one is the best by far.

I'm starting to think all these celebs that get married so soon and get everyone to write about them are just trolling with us! Not stunt queens, actual people in love trolling, laughing behind our backs on their way to collect checks from Us Weekly.

I tried cat-shaming once. It didn't work. Cats, it turns out, have none. #catshameshaming


I'm judging you, Ruth.

It was funny, then I read your screen name. Now I cannot stop laughing. Not even sure why but I cannot fucking stop.