
God forbid someone think your baby girl is a boy. People are fucked up. Look at that baby. All it wants to do is sleep and eat. Dressing her up like furniture in an Anthropologie catalog is beyond the pale. If evolution were just a little smarter, she'd still be in your damned womb, developing the skills to lift her

Oh, dearest, whatever you do, DON'T EVER call it "San Fran," or worse yet, "Frisco." It is San Francisco, or "The City." If you must abbreviate, use "SF." That and putting the compost into the recycling bin are the only two unconscionable faux pas in our rainbow town. Happy Pride Day!

Can we also tell those same people that it's not necessary to talk about cross fit all damn day? It's not part of your diet/workout regimen to be an insufferable cross fit cult member.

Well, they really are discrete, when you think about it.