I think it means Big Swinging Dick
I think it means Big Swinging Dick
Pectin doesn’t set as firmly or as long as gelatin. I prefer pectin too but it’s not as good for commercial shelf stable products.
Or, if you really want the sunkist ones: https://www.ohnuts.com/buy.cfm/bulk-candy/jelly-fruit-slices
Even better than the sunkist ones and you won’t have to trade for your favorite flavors: https://www.ohnuts.com/buy.cfm/bulk-candy/jelly-fruit-slices
I did this with a picture that made me happy.
Well, they hash tagged it with #TheRoyalCouple so apparently they had both god and monarchy on their side? https://web.archive.org/web/20210421175401if_/https://www.zola.com/wedding/shenitaandcourtney/event
In addition to them not aging well, segments testing supercars weren’t the least bit memorable other than Clarkson’s face flapping in the breeze in an Atom. I can guess what other supercars he reviewed based on what’s out there, but couldn’t say for sure, while I remember loads of their shenanigans in old beaters.
Does the WaPo link have the full apology? The bit quoted here is a lot of passive voice distancing nonsense but perhaps she actually take responsibility somewhere else.
Ooooohhhh nooooooo. Did not see that plot twist coming.
Well, that’s horrible. I hope they ended up ok.
The CDC has confirmed 10 infections linked to El Abuelito cheeses. Nine of them have been hospitalized. Also, the company was warned about the Listeria in their factory last June. Yes, Listeria is present everywhere and tough to completely eliminate but that’s no excuse for making people sick.
I have long turned my nose up at vegan cheese, because some of them are truly terrible. And often weirdly sweet (daiya!).
I follow FDA food alerts for work and there seem to be more coming in, so really, please skip the El Abuelito for now.
I heard her talk about him in an interview recently and it sounded like a happy, healthy relationship. It was really sweet to hear about in a world that still feels like it’s just so many piles of shit.
Yup. I know someone who went to one of those schools and thrived in *spite* of it. He had no medical or psychological basis for being there other than being “a mouthy smart alec”. The school was still operating until about a decade ago when it made the news for something and was shut down. As much as he was generally…
Yup, although I’d probably also cut off the unglued part now and just wrap or wig it until there’s enough to shave off properly. For some reason, I doubt having that extra weight pulling on messed up hair is going to help.
That me. I realized I missed a spot or it had gotten crinkled while I was working on another spot. But you know what? It worked because I put a magazine under my shirt to keep from getting burned and just did a quick swipe. So, I’m not the reason for the warning but I’ll admit to ironing a piece of clothing I was…
Yup. When I helped sell my grandmother’s house that they’d bought in 1972, I just about threw up. The value of the house had gone up astronomically but the taxes were a pittance. Meanwhile, I live in one of the highest property tax locations in the country.
That is an excellent example of a hideous house.
Yeah. This house feels pretty standard issue southwest.