
I can only imagine what Harry’s idea of a normal, down-to-earth childhood is. The life of one of his mega-rich but non-royal chums? Yes, his mother tried to give him a more grounded life than his father had lived but it’s still miles away from the life of even comfortably well-off people. 

Good luck finding one for big boobs at any torso size. Maybe because I refused to pay a lot for the suit. Your best bet would probably a tankini set so you can get a different sized top and bottom. Also, peeing is easier and peeing at 39 weeks can pose its own challenges to begin with.


I’m guessing she got into a cycle of chugging one after the effects of the previous one had worn off. Her body was exhausted but she just chugged more to compensate. That cycle, plus her other health issues, led to terrible sleep and continued the problem.

Or she was riding a rollercoaster of energy surges and then precipitous dropoffs which really should have been followed by sleep. Instead she drank another upper to compensate. Or all of these things. 

Perhaps this inability to form an actual argument for discussion is why he dropped out of an unaccredited “Christian” correspondence law school to become an unlicensed electrician.

That assumes they really care about the “murder” aspect of it and don’t just want to punish women for being slutty sluts who have sex when they don’t want to conceive a child. The resulting baby being a fitting punishment for her misdeed.

Not the worst move but a good lesson in knowing who you can depend on when moving...

Wow. Glad that turned out well. The SA near me is apparently very picky about what they’ll accept. My friend was moving overseas and had more or less an apartment full of furniture to give away and what he didn’t sell to them. They said he’d have to pay them if he left it because they’d be taking it to the dump. It

I’m not bothering with typing out my story. This one’s a winner. 

I kinda like spiders because science, but I shrieked and wiped imaginary spider webs off my arms when I ready that. Shudder.

I realize this pissing contest is over but I have an entry for stupidest claim of spoiler: 

That’s...just not how it works. Out of curiosity, were they even remotely correct about the size?

They really do! The next time my mom comes to visit, I’m dragging her to my good bra store because I know she wears the wrong size and it is hurting her.

That is so frustrating! The right bra is so hard to find, especially because chantelle is great for sexier bras that fit big boobs well. I’ve had a similar issue but I also had a baby and nursed for a year in between, so the change is definitely on my end. I was lazy about it and now I’m pregnant again, so I’ll be

I went to VS for a fitting because I knew my bras weren’t fitting right. She just looked at me and said I was probably wearing the right size and kinda floated off. She was two bands too high and two cups too small. 

I’ve had great success with Chantelle, which is basically they only brand I buy now. Other busty friends have had good experiences with Freyda and Wacoal. Most brands tend to run consistent in the shape of breasts they fit as well as the width between them, so it is worth going to a “fancy” bra store to get properly

I imagine it was a very short press conference at the location where they’ve been living, fwiw. Everyone’s experience and reactions are different but it doesn’t sound totally out of the realm of possibility. I remember crawling the walls wanting to get out of the hospital 2 days after my son was born and that was with

I don’t think I’ve ever felt better by someone “playing devil’s advocate” when I’m upset. It mostly just makes me not want to talk to them about stuff. 

Ugh, even my RE would try to reassure me that my relative youth was some sort of advantage. If it is such a help then why am I here? Ugh.