
@sissylarue: I disagree with that last statement. I'm a 20 year old male that still has many high school friends on facebook, and while they may be nice to their friends, they can say things online that they would never say in real life to people they aren't closer with, but are still "friends".

@Mark 2000: That's a very narrow -minded view on this game in my opinion. Two of my best friends are from South Korea and I would love to play this game, it's (obviously) not because I hate Korea or a race of people, but because I think the game seems like a story-line godsend from all of the WWII FPSs.

@tonilost: I was agreeing with you bro.

@jmellars: You take your freedom then, I would rather people not die.

@jmellars: I agree with Aqueous on this one... It's insane that these meals are able to be marketed to kids. Freedom and teaching children poor eating habits are different things.

@tonilost: So you're telling me that pipes and bongs are worse because they are more effective? Why would I want to waste weed, even if I had an ounce?

@vinod1978: Some of the greatest discovery's have been made while working on science that seems to have no benefit.

@Đipic: "They administered the drug to prisoners, and after being guided through the trips by Leary and his associates, 36 prisoners allegedly turned their backs on crime. The normal Recidivism rate of prisoners is about 80%, where as of the subjects involved in the project about 80% did not return to prison."

@GrandmasterYoda: Psychotherapy using LSD. It will cost millions less and is safer and more effective than prisons.

Pigs are around the 4th smartest animal in the world. They beat out dogs, cats and every other pet animal that people love.

I wish we could thumb up and down articles, because this one would get a thumbs down from me. This has nothing to do with technology.

@jdale: I will never find it credible until they get rid of the ridiculous "Electronic dating violence" tag line, this article is filled to the top with sensational propaganda including the reason you pointed out.

@Datacide: Road Rash 64 was one of the funniest racing games of all time.

@casperiv: You wimps use the can? I just take a syringe, heroin style, and shoot it straight into my arm.

@Squirrelbot3000: Thanks, ubuntu doesn't seem to run flash video well if it's not on youtube.

@b-radicate: Clearly you are superior to everyone in every way!