
@Black Knight Rebel: I do this shit for serious, my 360 puts out so much heat it's crazy.

@NewSpecies: Humans usually only take antibiotics when they are sick, unlike most American farm animals that are always fed antibiotics.

@NewSpecies: The entire problem with them giving animals antibiotics is that it is causing strains of bacteria to become antibiotic resistant. Scientists finding a link back to humans or not, it's just not smart to create antibiotic resistant bacteria.

@NewSpecies: "It’s important to note that these low-dose antibiotics added to feed are not necessarily used to treat diseases or infections. Over 90 percent of the antibiotics used in livestock production are for "non-therapeutic" purposes, merely to enhance growth and weight gain in the animals" - [www.circleofrespo

@NewSpecies: Antibiotics are given to cows, chickens, pigs and other farm animals to make them grow faster, not to kill bacteria. Giving these animals antibiotics has actually caused us to create antibiotic-resistant bacteria, because it is given to every animal, not just the sick ones.

You said you'll have up to the 23rd for USPS but the highest one goes up to the 22nd

@DavidWrightstuff: Obviously the U.S. only cares about freedom of speech when it's convenient to do so.

@Mark 2000: This is a legitimate medical field. many people that undergo this type of surgery have disfigurements but there are some who look just fine before hand. It's very harsh to just criticize all these doctors and I'm sure it's not as bad as you are making it out to be.

@soulfinger: I never said anything about the zoom, bro.

These videos are never shot with an HD camera.

@Mr.Gawn: Here is an analogy for you guys. Get linux.

@potka: You and me both buddy.

@Joe Stoner: You can get a good one for $200.

@s8ist: I'm not going to argue with you. You're never going to even try to question it. You can act like I'm an idiot, like you "owend" me, but I know I care much more about those 3,000 deaths because I actually want to find out the truth, and not blindly follow.

@s8ist: I would rather trust the opinions of 1354 architectural and engineering professionals that support 9/11 truth than a person that makes sarcastic jokes of 3,000+ Americans dying.

This seems like an attempt to win over left-winged people in support of the war.