
@Nulls: I love BFBC2 but I really disagree with you on the Halo map packs. Speaking for Halo 3, it did DLC the best possible way because Halo is more a game of balance and adding in new weapons would throw everything off.

@DocSeuss: "And really... does the addition of a couple vehicles or guns make it worthwhile?"

@drilon: Good point. The sentence is still wrong though as it states "5 billion cellphone users", but I never thought of people having more than one cell.

"But of the planet's estimated 5 billion cellphone users"

@Shanfara: Just joking around bro, go be an apple fanboy somewhere else.

@Hiero: Seriously, why is Brazilian gaming stuff so expensive? I remember me and a friend looking at wii-mote prices and they were like $100.

@LifesSweetDrug: I really like the sound of distortion that comes from a mic'd up and turned all the way up on a PA sound.

@Sprzout: Don't do it with your wife! what if she thinks this proposal is better than your own you made to her!

@Dodge2002: Kotaku is pretty awesome, you should cheak it out again with an open mind.

" Moore had been friends with both Atwood's daughter and son. A few days before the incident, he said, he sent a cell phone photo of his genitals to the girl and other friends as a joke.

Too bad you have to put your $2 bumper on it so you don't drop calls.

I know this has very little to do with the article, but damn, if any smart phone maker wanted to really slay competition it's about time people stop making phones thinner and start making the battery usage longer. Smart phone technology has been rapidly growing since it's first introduction, except battery life. I

@ddhboy: And that begs the question... Are you tougher than Farty Man? or are you tougher than yourself?