
@Canon7D-Fanboy: Who cares about the environment? I want a silent chip bag!

@atrus123: That's the only reason I don't like them, that junk is nasssssty.

I wonder, is NASA not willing to share data with other countries? like blueprints and stuff? because this rocket looked different from a lot of other American types.

@Antubis: "However, BSA does have policy regarding adults and their sexual orientation. While it may not be extremely popular, I'm proud of BSA for sticking to their principles."

"where users get all sorts of content free-even information from newspapers that they would have to pay for in the real world."

@Calvin Lee: If there is intelligent life I will cry with joy, I swear it.

No one really understands that any death is a tragedy, It doesn't matter if they are from Afghanistan, Africa, Asia, or America, people getting killed is fucked up.

@paranoidmarv: I agree with the last thing you said completely. When people ask why I play video games I tell them it's the absolute best form of art you can have, it's music, a movie, a painting and even interactive.

@QBasicGorilla: Where is there a law that says that this can't happen?

@DexterMoon: There is no American price tag yet, bro.

@freedomweasel: I expected it to be Playstation Network only, ECSTATICGASM.

@urfe: I agree, I really won't be surprised if I see it over here for

@MayorBloomberg: No sarcasm, I just assumed you thought I was being sarcastic by the way you worded your sentence.

LifeHacker just gained +1 man points.

@MayorBloomberg: Did you think I was being sarcastic? or were you agreeing with me?

@MayorBloomberg: I have an ipod classic that literally stays charged for weeks.