
@combatshotgun: I want to see a Civil War sim so I can reload my gun for 2 hours.

@Jellocakes: They got a little more realistic in Halo: Reach, there are quite a few Hungarian(?) speaking NPC's

@Acebuckeye13: Blasting Zombies and Taking Names: I completely agree with you about the sense of scale. I wouldn't even say it's a tech limitation at this point, but more of a "we refuse to bump down the graphics for more on screen NPC's" attitude of many game developers. I can easily see the PS3 handling 1,000+

@Archaotic: Trust me, there are more puzzle games out there, mainly because they are easier to produce... you only think there are more FPS games out because almost every FPS game gets a huge amount of hype, while puzzle games tend to fall in to the forgotten realm.

@djlaser: That's a pretty ridiculous safety feature, since I'm sure you could prevent more casualties by other, cheaper ways (helmet auto-sensor?)

They should have just been running Ubuntu.

@Monty: Yeah, except 9/11 really was staged.

I'm really disappointed with the majority of the Kotaku community on this one... so many people have already cast this game aside as being a complete failure, when no one has played the game yet. I grew up with the original game on N64, having my friends come over everyday with their oversized controllers, so I have

@manimatr0n: A non-functioning cup is avant-garde art, you just don't get it.

Super Star Wars sucked and was forgettable. Now how does it feel when someone makes fun of YOUR childhood!?

@keerock: 100% delicious, I think you mean.

@KillerBee: When I was a kid I had a friend that gave his dog a habanero pepper... the dog ate almost the whole thing then just started flipping out, trying to throw it back up. poor dog.

@ceilingFANBOY: I'm kind of confused at why you guys think peppers are spicy so they won't be ate by animals, that's usually a good thing because it spreads the seeds around...

@SkiBum1207: 20Mbs is the fastest I can get where I live.

Just throwing this out there, but would it be possible to go lower for more reach?

@92BuickLeSabre: ...when was this? I watched work of art, awesome show btw, but I never saw this one!

@Ursus Maritimus: I remember when internal HDD that had 32GB on them cost a c-note. How far we have come!