oh man, I had forgotten about that show, which I guess is understandable since it was only 8 episodes. For those wondering, it’s “Quark”
oh man, I had forgotten about that show, which I guess is understandable since it was only 8 episodes. For those wondering, it’s “Quark”
That’s Dick Benjamin, probably his most prominent role was the main character of the original Westworld movie alongside James Brolin, but he was a big character actor and a director.
“baliset”, not “basinet” <giggle>
I caught that too, rather tacky
Am I off the mark for thinking it’s uncouth to make a September Eleventh joke in a headline considering today’s date?
Brolin shared a story of first being presented with the movie’s version of a basinet, the multi-stringed instrument that Gurney Halleck plays—only for Isaac to make it weird.
You can’t do Dune in a movie. It’s too complicated. It deserves the HBO treatment.
Build a bridge out of her!
I love Julie Cox’s Irulan.
You should give the 2 syfy mini series a chance after you read Dune messiah and children of Dune. Seeing James Mcavoy as Leto II is the best part. They are much more faithfull addaptations but the effects aged like milk and the costumes......
Honestly, the fact that she interpreted this scene as ejaculating into space I think says more about her than it does the film..
I’m probably in minority here, but I preferred the Scifi mini series Dune and the excellent Children of Dune to Lynch’s version even with the budget constraints. I’ve watched the original Dune movie only twice, but the series multiple times and enjoy going back to it now and then because, even with all its limitations,…
Hard to believe that’s Alicia Witt - the next time I saw her she was the drop-dead gorgeous and awesomely snarky Zoe in ‘Cybill’.
I also love the Syfy adaptation. It had the breathing room to tell a story, even if some of the effects don’t hold up as well.
Princess Irulan (Virginia Madsen) did so much monologuing, she disappeared and reappeared twice as if she forgot something.
The ‘84 Dune movie is really only good for certain truly classic book scenes that it truly nails to a T. You pull them up on youtube occasionally because they’re well and truly awesome. The Box of Pain. The Hunter Seeker. The fight with Feyd-Rautha. The scene where Paul tells Gaius Helen Mohiam to sit down and shut…
Is it homophobia to call out a pedophile as a disgusting human being?
If you can find it, the fan edit of Dune by Spicediver is now my go to version. It takes all the best stuff from the botched “Extended Version” and edits them back into the theatrical version in way that actually works. The fan edit can be a little hard to track down, but lurks somewhere on those interwebs and it’s…