Well, it stands to reason that the CIA would have a sleeper agent aboard every boomer for the same reason the Soviets always had a political officer ("zampolit"?) aboard theirs.
Well, it stands to reason that the CIA would have a sleeper agent aboard every boomer for the same reason the Soviets always had a political officer ("zampolit"?) aboard theirs.
Easy enough... if it's stuffed. ;o)
Y'know, I never heard that myth until now.
Yeah, everything he describes is awesome, but then he turns around and says, "Overall, the 787 isn't going to knock your socks off."
"Overall, the 787 isn't going to knock your socks off."
Precisely my question! It's not a complete celebration without the Shepherd!
Yep, I was up out of my chair clapping, too!
Yeah, the reviews are all over the map. I already have my ticket for the 4:10 show at The Grove, and suddenly I'm kinda nervous.
Actually, that was my one major disappointment with this episode.
Y'know, when they announced that the LAPD was gonna be blocking access to the sidewalks during the move, I got this image in my head of a lone spectator breaking through, running up and putting his/her hand on Endeavour's nose, and the photo splashed on the papers would look a bit like the infamous "Tank Man" photo…
Okay, that's kinda creepy, 'cause I've been meaning to rewatch the TOS: Remastered eps that I have, but I didn't care for a lot of the creative choices that were made for the new CGI. But just this morning I remembered, "Well, hey, the whole reason I watch TOS is for Nimoy anyway!"
"Like, why haven't we heard from other intelligent civilizations yet?"
Thank you! Both of these are tied for First in my book, too.
Yeah, that was my question.
Yeah, I started shouting "Make up your damn minds!" at the screen!