Ummm, I don't think that kangaroo is grooming...
I was really looking forward to Babylon 5 returning as a series largely due to Stewart Copeland's music in the pilot, since I'd been a huge fan of his scoring since The Equalizer.
Yeah, I've watched "Serenity" many more times than the other episodes.
Oh, I've watched the Farscape pilot about a dozen times, mostly just for the "You fart helium?" line, and also because Ben Browder did such a great job of selling Crichton's awe & wonderment, like when it hits home for the first time: "I'm on another planet."
Yah, I never understood the actual point of going back to that era, where there are all manner of fresh hazards that are just as bad as not being able to breathe or eat, like being eaten!
Ooooh, awesome! This is what I've been waiting for!
Okay, this is kinda weird. I've been sad all weekend because my favorite radio team, Mark & Brian, ended their 25-year run at KLOS on Friday. They've always made fun of Top Gun, right up until their second-to-last show, when Val Kilmer came into the studio...
And to think the @SarcasticRover made no mention of this heinous act! Not even to brag!
Precisely my thoughts. Also, the blue-spacesuited guy reminds me of Robinson Crusoe on Mars.
I'm allergic to both walnuts and peanuts. Had far more exposure to peanuts, but I'm far more allergic to walnuts. Never realized how much more, because I was always able to spot the chunks of walnuts in cookies & salads & such. Then somebody fed me a normal-lookin' chocolate chip cookie... with pulverized walnuts in…
When I saw Max von Sydow in the Branded trailer, my first thought was, "Okay, so, Brewmeister Smith from Strange Brew has discovered a new strategy for world domination!"
Yah, when I hear folks whine about "all that money" we spend on NASA, my retort is "All what money?"
Every time I wear my NASA t-shirt, expecting to get some smiles & thumbs-ups, all I get is stink-eye from passers-by.
Y'know, I was just thinking about this very issue when looking at the latest released Curiosity images earlier this morning.
Also, shortly after they emerge from the crashed lander, you hear the computer announce "Exterior atmosphere indicator is disabled."