
Thank you! I was gonna ask that very question: "How come pigeons are all the same size? Where are the babies?"

Yikes... that kid's repulsive! I think I'd rather watch Leonard!

Now playing

Why does this make me think of Leonard from Community?

Hehe, me too!

In my universe, Community was cancelled after Season 3, and given a perfect finale.

Yeah, I've been referring to Britten as "Schrödinger's Cop" this whole time!

Machine, I hereby dub thee... Wintermute!

What about filling a cold capsule with Potassium metal and dropping it in a jar of water?

I saw a picture of this in one of my LIFE Science Library books when I was a li'l kid, so I chose that as my elective experiment in 7th grade Science class... but the acid was waaaaay past its shelf life, 'cause nothing happened (very humiliating), but we left it there, and after a few days it turned black & gooey.

Meh. Dinky little capsules just don't impress me the way they did 40 years ago.

Boy, The Rock really likes cooking, doesn't he? Not only his wrestling catch-phrase, but his character in The Rundown kept a little notebook with recipe ideas for the restaurant he dreamed of opening.

WOW, not a single thing there I want to watch.

My personal fave...

Gee, I loved it right from the beginning... otherwise I wouldn't have kept watching!

Doesn't just apply to novels: I've always been a generally polite person, but after watching dueSOUTH all those years ago, I found myself...

Took me three years to finish "The Fountainhead". Couldn't even make it past the first three pages of "Atlas Shrugged".

I thought they called 'em "White Pointers" down under?

Best body-swapping since Jack & Teal'c did it on SG-1.

I know! I kept rewinding it, saying "But she's had a kid! That's not the body of a breeder!"

Long before Pablo Francisco, there was another comedian who did a great Movie Trailer Guy bit, that went some'n like: