
I just noticed I said “girlfriend” instead of “wife" at one point.   Because I am not sure if we were married by that point.  But it is a testament to patience that I stuck around.

This was not as bad as your story but early on in our relationship my husband and I were driving through Vermont on the last day of a long vacation in Canada. Absolutely nobody around, becautiful Green Mountain scenery, little farms with cows down in the valleys below us, when suddenly my husband said, “Stop the car!”

Oh my god, I’m so angry for you!  Being trapped, having to put up with their nonsense the whole time, and then having that hand grenade so casually lobbed.  Infuriating!

My best roommate I had had was getting married in San Francisco and my husband insisted on driving (about 8 hours). It was winter, and we were slow going bc it was around thanksgiving, the weather was bad, and it was actually sleeting and California drovers are bad in any kind of weather. We stopped for fast food, bc

How you did not sink that damn boat with both your parents trussed like turkeys in the bow is a miracle.

I had suddenly left a job one summer. And my wife told me her family had rented a shore house for 2 weeks. And I was more than welcome to come down for a few days. I was 26 years old. As I walk I to the house, her dad stops because I have a case of beer. He informs me that beer or any alcohol is not welcomed into the

In 2008, my mother spent $5,800 (Canadian) on a weeklong houseboat rental at Sproat Lake as a 20th-wedding anniversary present for my husband. Included: our two young children, and my parents - a package deal from hell. Also: neither my husband or I were consulted about this - we were told the reservation was

My dad’s family had been going to this rinky-dink set of cabins in rural Wisconsin for generations. By the time I was a ‘tween in the 90s, they’d at least been retrofitted with electricity, but you still had to use an outhouse. The nearby lake was great, but my fond summertime memories of bonfires, tubing, and jumping

My family once decided to drive almost 2.500 miles from Fairbanks, Alaska to a small town in Eastern Washington. We were going to my uncle’s wedding. Taking advantage of the fact the whole family was getting together, there was an intervention planned the day before for another uncle who was an alcoholic. On one hand

About 5 years ago I went back to my hometown for a vacation. I was just planning on catching up with friends and family. I flew in on a Thursday, and had a bunch of plans on Friday with different friends. I woke up not feeling so great, and what I thought was just bad cramps, because I get those. I ate breakfast and

So, my mom was the big organizer in our family, and always organized our various trips. Spring Break was always a tricky one, because it usually happened during my brother’s birthday, and it’s also a time of year when the weather can do literally anything. In NorCal, the coast is usually a fine bet, and we spent

It was August 2004 and family decide to try camping for the first time. Decided to do a long weekend in Newquay, Cornwall.

It’s absolutely amazing to me that living in a world where there has never been greater access to knowledge and scientific research is making so many people even more stupid and less educated than they would be without that access.

Sorry that you had to have a C section? Sheesh! The goal is a healthy baby and mother. It doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you are comfortable with your doctor and their recommendation. People need to mind their own damn business.

Just wait until your kid(s) get older. My daughter went through a Macbeth phase and went around telling everyone she and her brother were never born.

As someone who had a C section, this stigma does not just exist in Nigeria. My Dr told me there was about a 25% chance of cord prolapse due to how my daughter was positioned and my weird (she said this in a nice way) pelvis. I was fine with this. We scheduled my C section at 37 weeks for 39 weeks because they didn’t

The “Wellness” bullshit comes from DECADES of women being ignored by medical science. It comes from women who have been told that they’re “hysterical”. It comes from people who can’t afford healthcare. 

What indigenous group or pueblo are you from? How do you feel about designs and patterns being take from your people and used to profit a company?

“The main thing, as always, is that baby gets fed.”

Interesting, but let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. If your baby is growing and your sanity is intact, you’re doing it right.