
This is the most important comment. Skin color and the content of your bank account should never factor into the justice process.

So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

I have a small silver Christmas tree. And a Carpenters record. I don't know what that says about me. 

Yeah, I’m starting to feel bad about insulting the blobfish. For all I know blobfish are probably very socially progressive and would have condemned Rapaport themselves. No shame on the blobfish.

He and Stephen Miller are like, the poster boys for Make Bad Choices, Get Bad Faces. I’m a year younger than Rapaport and look ten years younger. And I don’t dye my hair.

Blobfish is cuter and has so much more charisma.

People look different with makeup vs. without makeup? Even celebrities? Wow, what a shocker! (And for what it’s worth and judging by the photo, Ariana looks great without makeup too)

Michael Rapaport is only 48? Jesus Christ, dude doesn't get to talk about other people's appearance.

Which is what Hanna Gadsby was talking about. Men set the terms for themselves and their friends, and men get to change the rules to suit their arguments whenever they want.

The full op-ed is great and everyone should read it. And she fucking name-checks Spielberg and his Time’s Up pin! Can’t wait for him to release a statement saying he had NOOOOOO IDEAAAAAAAA that had happened! They’re all fucking assholes.

That sounds like a particularly harrowing experience. And I hate knowing that, culturally, she’s forced to couch retelling her experience with proof that she can work with men/put up with non-sexual harassment jokes made at her expense/can put up with playing a sexist or objectifying part.

I have a bipolar 15 year old. It's fucking hard. 


I’m not a parent, but I can definitely imagine how awful it is to parent hungover because I have, once and EXACTLY FUCKING ONCE, shown up to my job teaching middle schoolers hungover. 

I feel like this is missing some logical connectors. Maybe the a lot parents who did not plan for childcare did plan for how much they would drink and did not plan to be hungover, thus obviating the need for childcare. This needs a question that “if you planned on how much you would drink, what did you plan? Did you

I have never been hungover enough for it to impact my ability to care for my kids. But I have been hungover enough for me to hate life and everything in it while caring for my kids the next day. It’s enough for you to really try very very very hard to never be hungover. But that’s difficult when it takes so much less

I went to high school with a very sweet man who was active in the performing arts. We weren’t super close, but we remained friendly acquaintances for the next several decades. He went on to become an elementary school teacher. He and his husband abruptly had a murder-suicide several years ago.

Oh, well those couple tweets have swayed my opinion and he’s just fucking dandy!  He probably likes coaching his daughters’ basketball team, too...

Why are they saying he’s awesome?? A company doesn’t pay out $9.5 million unless they REALLY have to. He did it. There’s no question.

Holy shit, lay off the body snark. It’s not a good way to think about ANY size person, but eating disorder “jokes” shouldn’t fucking be welcome here of all places.