
I don't think that atheists (minority), muslims (minority) n or any other minority group

My comments did not reflect my personal views

Aww, thank you! I wasn't strongly disapproving, just commenting on the use of "bitch" I guess. But it's no big — I really appreciate your comment and you sharing your thoughts with me. I guess I am young-ish — I'm 28, so this relationship was a big chunk of my 20s and the only 'good' and 'healthy' one I've had (which

Is your apartment as cozy as that sweater? Because I could live in it. ZZZZZZZZ

Sometimes patron will want to check something out and the bar code isn't registering for one of many reasons. We mark it on the fly in the computer and put in as much info (title, creator, call number, etc) so they can take it right away, they what they have, we know what they have, and we know it has to be looked at

The smell never bothered me anyway. GENIUS LEVEL.

if that didn't sound right, i don't want to be not wrong

"It's time to see what I can do to rid my body of this pooooo!" She's amazing. I want to be her babysitter.

This is the best thing I have ever seen.

We use on the fly in librarianship, too!

Is this a common thing that servers actually get fed for free at restaurants elsewhere? Because that happens basically nowhere here. And as far as customers sneezing on it, that's still the server's choice to take that risk. Plenty won't, but I did, and I never got sick from it (at the same time, working in a

My recurring nightmare involves shitty warped trays and champagne flutes.

We used to have fun with coming up with alternatives for the "camping" term. "marinating" and "decomposing" were my favorites.

Yes. Yes we do.

*** We absolutely wish we were dead.

I've never worked at a place where that was common usage, but certain restaurants in certain areas get more special orders than others. You wouldn't say it all the time, but let's say you have five special orders and one regular order at a table — you're going to want to specify that there's one "reggae," with nothing

I assumed in the weeds was derived from the golfing term - basically meaning you're fucked/hard to find a way out.