Fantastic work putting her face to rape/abuse survivorship.
Fantastic work putting her face to rape/abuse survivorship.
Like, with a baseball bat or similar blunt instrument? Please say that’s what you meant.
Keep getting drunk, it works!
It is not forced cultural assimilation to explain that in the new country there are laws, and those laws must be obeyed. Rape is against the law, even if it is of one’s spouse. This does not seem to me to be remotely controversial.
To me, the last paragraph exemplifies why this is a good idea. It seems like they’re going out of their way to avoid saying “your immigrant ways are wrong” and instead are saying “there are the rules here. even if these rules don’t apply where you are from, they apply in Norway.”
I was thinking the same thing, all children everywhere should be taught about consent and respect.
Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.
I would be HONORED and BLESSED just to be even in the same room as Aretha Franklin, even if she’s there killing everyone I love in cold blood. I would sit there respectfully and nod encouragingly at the appropriate times.
Seriously. I wonder how some people managed to sit through Carol.
That’s not a “disturbingly real” version of the song, it’s a rather outlandish satire based on how 40s language sounds to modern ears. It’s funny because it’s over-the-top. Frank Loesser wasn’t writing about duct-taping and raping his wife, of course, but the idiom is a little archaic, and lends itself to exaggeration…
How is “a woman afraid of what society thinks eventually overcomes that fear and does what she wants” not an improvement over “a man roofies and rapes a woman who just wants to get home to her family”?
Someone on Twitter recently (I wish I could remember who) pointed out that, the way it was originally written and performed, what this song is really about is a woman who wants to buck social norms of propriety and stay with him but feels pressured to leave so she doesn’t suffer social consequences and stigma. And…
Yeah, like, what even? If my neighbor came over and was like “Hey, I have cancer. Also, I’ve never liked your dog, so can you put him down for me?” I’d be like “Your struggle with cancer will be very brief before succumbing to something else.”
Because all three suddenly “up and dying” at once in the like 7 hour period you were at school, with no warning signs, is suspect as fuck?
Right, and enjoying yourself in the moment doesn’t erase his victimhood. I’m sure a ton of 15 year old boys and girls who engaged in sexual relationships with much older people enjoyed it in the moment, but they were still victims, still manipulated, by the virtue of their age.
At 15, if he was luring underage girls to perform sex acts on himself and adults, he is also a victim of sexual exploitation by those adults. No matter how much he enjoyed himself or how eager he was to take part.
I am not sure I can look entirely past his age here. It’s fully possible that he’s been groomed and used by two adults to act as a lure on their behalf, whether he realizes that or not.