
Right? I was waiting for C.A. to respond. I was like this:


(Know what I'm sayin'?)

98% agree with you. He is SPEAKING Spanish but we cannot know his nationality. I said on Gawker re his accent: Dropping of the 's' in 'es' makes me think Caribbean or Southern Spain. Hard to know from 2 words. Could be a Frenchman speaking Spanish. I don't think so, but could be. (Swear I'm not being an asshole.

98% agree with you. He is SPEAKING Spanish but we cannot know his nationality. I said on Gawker re his accent: Dropping of the 's' in 'es' makes me think Caribbean or Southern Spain. Hard to know from 2 words. (Swear I'm not being an asshole. Language v. Nationality mix-and-match is a pet peeve.)

I also said Jay-Z

Sorry! My pic was meant for goddessoftransitory. I try not to add things to my own comments, lest they be confused with others'. Don't want to adorn myself, you could say.

At least not in public. (tee hee)

Nothing sweet at all? Do your family and friends enjoy it? Well, God bless and bottoms up!

I had a customer ask once if the lemonade had sugar in it. After a few rounds of going around in circles, I was like "Ma'am, if there were no sugar, it would be water and lemon juice. It would not taste good". She was befuddled.

"I worked at a hometown restaurant connected to an overgrown bait-shop in Southern Michigan."

Greg you can stop right there. We get it. How are you holding up these days, friend?

OK I'ma wrap this up on my end. You say you have no recollection of interacting with me previously (true). But you have ALSO twice referred to my supposed angry nature. Go ahead and ponder that. It is a literally impossible combination of ideas.

I'm sometimes angry (you too, I'd bet!) but this article/these

Holy hell are you STILL on this?

See! The way she phrases things creates so many conundrums for so many people!

In spite of your apparent strong disapproval of my commenting style, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about your breakup. Just saw this and I can relate. I am currently separated from my partner of 22 years. I see him (rarely) and we talk fairly often. But it's been 6 months of separation and I know how

I'll admit to basing my comment on just the write up. Just watched the video and see it wasn't what I'd imagined. I'm a cat person.

Doesn't mean you have to be a bitch.

OK—Ha ha ha and everything but this is mean. Me no likey.

It's pretty darn cozy!

You're just like Oprah?! Can you loan me $4 million? THANKS!

Oprah's sweater cost more than my rent. And my rent is fucking expensive.