
And I said I stood corrected, dude.

I can’t ETA the OP but: ETA that Lang didn’t direct the remake.

I should have googled first!

I stand corrected! They share the same producer. The director was blacklisted, who has his own interesting backstory.

Yes it’s the remake which Fritz Lang also directed.

TCM is showing the 1951 remake. I should have clarified which is what I was describing.

To clarify I’m talking about the Lang remake in 1951 that TCM is showing. It’s very much a noir.

I can’t wait for this series! I’m a TCM hound but there are a few here that I haven’t seen.

I especially recommend Babyface which is not only labeled ‘Wanton’ by the Catholic church (hee), but being pre-Code it really does handle some subject matter that wouldn’t have been touched even 5 years later. And it’s one of

Agreed, if you are avoiding it because it sounds ‘Unsavory’ then you are kind of reacting exactly how the Catholic church would like you to react. And it was made in 1956 and under the Production code, so really, it can only be so shocking. It’s a movie worth watching, though it’s my least favorite Tenessee Williams

Pleasepleaseplease let Michelle Martin get her spot. I miss Tell Me More so much.

Oh I Love this comment!!

If you can successfully negotiate a limited contact relationship then that is a great compromise, with a lot less guilt. The guilt I still feel, that she ‘really isn’t that bad’ is something I deal with almost daily. Which is still better than the pain and anxiety I used to have. Best wishes to you!

I agree. It took me years but I’m finally no contact with my maternal unit. DarlingNikki, your story reminds me of the time mine quit speaking to me for about 8 months because I wouldn’t drop my work and drive 8 hours to pick her up 3 states away WITH MY HAND IN A SLING just because she didn’t want to take the train

So. Much. Booze. In old movies! And not for nothing, plenty of women-centric, clever, feminist movies to boot. It’s what makes plucking this one song out from 75 years ago so frustrating.

Thank you. So much igoring of the times.

Not to mention that it was written for a movie and was subject to the Production Code. So much sexuality was read between the lines after about 1930. Context is really important here.

I love the song. I’m a huge old movie nerd so I feel like the context is more clear to me, and maybe people can not like it but understand that *for the time*, that was the message and that there was necessarily a lot of pussyfooting around Code.

Or they have never had musubi. That shit is tasty.

You will be a hit!

Maybe something from a fun memory you have with your brother? Like you had a favorite movie as kids, go as one of the characters, or a band member from a favorite band, something like that.