

It’s fantastic and I’d also recommend the noir ‘Odds Against Tomorrow,’ another Harry Belafonte movie that deals with race (among many other things) in the context of a bank heist gone south.

That is pretty much it exactly. I volunteer for PP (for Greater WA and N Idaho in fact) and from what I’ve been hearing the tack being taken is no response is the best response.

She also doesn’t seem to get that police-journalist relationships are very important, close and often adversarial ones.

Whoah, what? I actually do think that nurses WOULDN’T be having that kind of conversation over an unconsious patient. Jesus fuck...

So by that logic, if she were Black and they were calling her the n word, it doesn’t matter, becasue it was a private conversation, right?

The last quoted comment by one: “I don’t know why you have to be so hard on her” should clue you in as to why these aren’t benign appraisals of her physical appearance. For the same reason that you or I might feel shitty, humiliated and/or embarrassed by similar comments from dudes on the street, they are meant to

Not necessarily true. I worked in a discount division of the high-end department store well known for their customer service, and we all had at least one customer a day who would demand that we wait on them as if they were in the full line store with plenty of commissioned sales people. I once had to be a ‘personal

Amen. I have plenty of retail horror stories— I never worked in food service, but I have witnessed shitstain behavior in both and I have no fucking problem saying something to offenders. Sometimes is just takes some intensive side eye to shut someone up— one of our fave sushi places got kind of randomly hyped-up. It

I’m sorry that he is damaging your children! Whatever happens, I think a lot of folks agonize over this and stay together for this reason because they think it’s damaging to their kids to break up, but trust that the hard work of pursuing better and more loving relationships speaks volumes over the fake ‘keeping it

He went to the trouble of sighing deeply though. While he read!

Yes FABIO! He was one of my (meager) star sightings in Hollywood. We spotted him in (of course) a vegetarian restaurant on Sunset and of course we went in for a snack so we could sit n. next to Fabio but it seemed rude to approach him while he was eating. Anyway a family of tourists gawked in the window, recognized

YES! Rewatching these now with my husband who has never seen them.

You can pretty easily pick apart this one with the citations, as in the case of the Illinois high school students [6]. The article misleadingly quotes the high school total number of students without mentioning the actual number of affected students, coming to the conclusion that even 100% immunity doesn't work.