
It'd be pretty cool if they made it like Game of Thrones IN SPACE. There's plenty of stories of scheming and backstabbing to draw from.

There was an article on io9.

Edit for myself:
Gotta give credit to Yoh Yoshinari who actually directed this. Imaishi, Yoshinari and cofounder of Trigger (and director for most of the episodes of FLCL) Masahiko Otsuka worked together alot at Gainax and are now the big three at Trigger and share a lot of tastes and influences with each other. I'm

Seriously. I've always loved Hiroyuki Imaishi's work. He's the subversive element that anime needs in this era. What other creator would turn the awesomeness and over-the-top-ness of mecha shows up to 11 and beyond? What other creator would make an entire series that is a demented love-letter to American cartoons?

Well, 4Kids went bankrupt, which is close enough to your wish.

From what I remember, Konata was mostly a PC gamer =ω=

That one cyborg's voice reminded me of Alpha 5.

Lord Yupa looks like Liam Neeson, even with the mask on.

Which, actually wouldn't surprise me if he was in casted in a "god forbid" live-action adaptation.


Quite fitting in that Jaime loses his hand as well, though not by Brienne.

From looking it up on Wiki, everybody on the cast list are experienced professionals with very long resumes, except for the main female character who has mostly done live-action, mainly soap opera roles, and only bit parts in voice acting, and seeing as she is getting most of the attention in the trailer, I'm guessing

I agree, most dubs today are good to excellent, with professional voice actors who love what they are doing. You haven't heard sucky dubs until you've heard early-mid 90s anime dubs. Things really didn't change around until Cowboy Bebop came out, and everyone stepped up their game. There's still a substandard dub here

Oh my god, I just discovered Ghost Stories today. Holy shit, the dub is hilarious. Heard that the original was bland and boring, and that the original creators of the show deliberately asked the dubbers to do anything they wanted to make it more entertaining. And they did. They soooo did.

I think the reason the Chinese find it so funny is because time travel tv shows are infamously forbidden for some bullshit reason and its ironic to see such glaring anachronicities.

I love O Brother, Where Art Thou?, one of my favorite movies. I can see what you mean. I guess one could say that there was a kind of pseudo-mystical undercurrent to 19th and early 20th century American fundamentalism during that period of time and that kind of died off in most parts of America yet still clings on

Something that I noticed that hasn't been brought up much is how much the Cult of Columbia seems to be based on Mormonism. Makes sense since Mormonism is an indigenous American religion. For example, the revering of a supposed Prophet who supposedly got a vision from an angel. The worshipers wearing silly-looking

That and Postsearing. Depressed me every time I went there. All greys and browns and burnt out ruins, with the exception of some lovely crystals here and there, until you realize that those crystals were the magical equivalent of nuclear bombs, then it becomes even more depressing. ArenaNet is pretty good with

Great stuff, though. Following you on Behance now. Keep up the great work!

Not talking about that one, I'm talking about the pink picture with the logo concept at the very top of this article. I think the blur that is given before the transfer to the next image is creating the depth effect.

Not sure if April Fool's based upon those Xbox branding redesigns from a a few months ago or not.

Anyhoo, as a designer myself. I feel like some of these are actually pretty damn decent. I like the sidebar (and that's something I actually miss from the last Kotaku design. Was much better for lazy browsing) The logo is

They need to be imported into some GMod and Source Filmmaker shenanigans. Apparently the models have been exported to those wonderful tools, but there aren't many videos featuring them on YouTube.