The thing is, the Jackass crew were faaaaaaar more hardcore than this tool ever was. I guarantee you there’s not one broken bone in his body.
The thing is, the Jackass crew were faaaaaaar more hardcore than this tool ever was. I guarantee you there’s not one broken bone in his body.
That’s the thing that gets me. Those kids think he’s savage? The Jackass crew did farrrrrrr more savage things than he has ever done. While bleeding....with broken bones.... and broken penises.
Jake Paul seems like a faddish tool. Doing what he does just to get famous. The Jackass crew were a bunch of skatepunks who…
Basically, the entire story from now on is based upon finding out the true history of the world and battles with Titans are few and far between, which make the scenes where they do show up more impactful, I think. It’s a far more interesting story than Season 1 suggests.
The rest of the manga is almost nothing like the first season. There’s less battles with titans and more plot. It becomes more like a conspiracy/spy thriller with titans showing up every now and again. There’s far more importance put upon the lore and history of the world and characters than battles with Titans from…
You’ll like the story arcs to come then. The secondary and tertiary characters basically become the main characters (especially Hange Zoe) and the “main characters” became the secondary characters. They still have moments which are important to the story but they aren’t the main movers and shakers of the plot.
The U-Wing was actually shown at last year’s Star Wars celebration, in concept art. It looks like a troop transport gunship/fighter hybrid.
The probably reason they can give about why we haven’t seen it elsewhere is that its useful for Alliance troop assault ops, which we haven’t really seen in the OT.
The late-80s/early-90s was basically it’s own mini-decade when it came to music/aesthetics, etc. Kinda amuses me when I see younger generations mix the neon Vanilla Ice 90s, the grunge 90s, and the Britney Spears/Spice Girls/Boy Band 90s together, as if they all existed at the same time.
There’s also The Clone Wars, which even some of the most ardent prequel-haters admit has some of the best Star Wars in Star Wars. There are many, many scenes of ship-to-ship combat in the series.
It’s by Hiroyuki Imaishi, director of Kill la Kill, Gurren Lagann and Panty and Stocking. It also takes place in the Inferno Cop universe. It’s as loony as you imagine, and definitely one of the stand-outs of the season.
He looks like a 40-year old salaryman.
That's the most mindblowing thing about it. Apparently, the game company just threw a bunch of cash at Studio Mappa and told them they could do whatever they wanted with the license. Obviously, the studio had a lot of fun making it.
Seriously, if Rage of Bahamut keeps bringing the good stuff, it may become one of my favorite anime in recent history. Its just so refreshingly different from mainstream anime. Its like a western adventure movie like Pirates of the Caribbean or Indiana Jones.
Is it me or does Sonic look either stoned or sleep-deprived in a lot of the shots?
Someone on Reddit pointed out that the edges of the cape appear to be attached somehow to the rear of the bike. Figures that someone like Batman figured out the cape on bike problem.
I find the interesting thing about the 90s (particularly the mid-to late 90s) is that casual everyday clothes really haven't changed all that much from then to the present time. Maybe less jorts, but still, If I saw one of those guys today, I wouldn't even blink.
All I got out of your post is "Bryan Cranston piloting a Jaegar". Someone should email that idea to Guillermo.