
If it connects with YouTube and Livestream/Ustream accounts, I can imagine many Let's Players will use it (not like they really need it, but if it does, it seems to be less of a hassle to set up a video, just a one button click). If it only connects with some Sony network site and/or has a time limit for the footage,

Yeah, it'll probably be basically watching a video of watching yourself play the game. The big issue is, of course, 1080p video can take up quite a bit of gigs.

Yeah, I found that odd too. Unless they haven't finalized the design yet, but then why would they have a show about it already?

Thanks for reminding me of my age.

The way how ridiculously silly things sometimes get, it almost reminds me of Snow Crash.

Come to think of it, we do live in a sort of cyberpunk world now, just not the way it was envisioned. We got people being online all the time, hackers menacing governments and supercorps, etc. Though, yeah, we do have a whole lot less leather jackets, mirrorshades, endless rain and neon Kanji. Cyberpunk as it is now

The corners on the mech art say Tencent, so I'm assuming its for a cheap crappy Chinese game.

Boring? I dunno. To me, it had a pretty snazzy Sith Lord aesthetic that makes it one of the more sinister-looking sleepers of the past few decades.

I actually miss the side story-list bar. Hope you guys can do an equivalent, because it made jumping from story to story much easier, instead of always going back to the main page or making a new tab.

I agree. I did not like this when they did side-scrolling before, and I hope they go back to vertical comments again.

Us designers may like minimalism. But this is too much minimalism.

I dunno, I thought it was pretty hokey. Skyscrapers are not exactly high-profile military targets, unless they're occupied by soldiers, or the invading army's target is the US economy, which would probably already be disrupted when the nation is under siege. Also, I doubt ballistic missile submarines and destroyers

I guess, but I still use "surfing" out of habit. Been using the net since I was a kid in 1994. Some habits die hard.

I can't be the only one who still uses the word "surf". Can't really think of any better word to describe the process of jumping about various tabs and vegetating on the nets when there's nothing better to do.

Yeah, probably because the body movement was captured separately. What they did with Gollum in The Hobbit, where they captured both body movements and facial animations at the same time, is the next generation of this technology, and I'd like to see it used more often in the next generation of games.

I agree with you, I'm absolutely sure that NONE of those girls are as pure and innocent as their idol company wants fans to believe. And I'm sure most people know it. How many anime and manga have there been about the behind-the-scenes of the idol industry that have shown that its all an illusion? Countless, I'm sure.

Eh, I've known plenty of decent girls who've had sex, drank or smoked. I wouldn't hold those bad habits against anyone if they were a good, decent person. I would hold it against them if those habits were affecting them negatively and they were alcoholics, smoked like a chimney or carrying every std known to man.

Someone should mod it so that its Morgan Freeman dressed like Gordon Freeman talking like Martin Freeman. Or switch it around so its Martin Freeman dressed like Gordon Freeman talking like Morgan Freeman.

It'd be cool if the concept of the game was based upon folded paper.