It's because they are totally unique! Can't you see by their different clothes and hairdos and HILARIOUS dance moves?
It's because they are totally unique! Can't you see by their different clothes and hairdos and HILARIOUS dance moves?
You know the situation in pop music is pretty bad when you compare something like N'Sync favorably to whatever passes for pop music now. Especially when complaining about overproduction and homogenization.
The real question is, why would they let all those obvious 30 year-olds into the high school passing themselves off as teenagers?
Which video? The clip from the show is hosted on Gawker's own server, and the video of the song on YouTube has so many dislikes, it's headed towards "Friday" territory, not exactly good publicity for Glee.
Coulton has done the music for the Portal series. You may have heard of a little ditty called "Still Alive".
Mind you, he just recently lost all motor function in his appendages, and was already an accomplished artist. These are but the first of many, I'm sure he'll get better at eye-painting as time goes by.
I miss being a little kid. the world was a bit more interesting back then.
Which reminds me...why have they not made a Tenacious D game yet? With the final battle being a rock-off against Satan, of course.
As a graphic thoughts exactly.
JoCo has written music for video games, most famously, Portal. Also, Kotaku is devoted to more than just games.
Wow, yup, that is the same exact instrumental track.
That would be pretty cool, build up speed and then hit the right button upon impact to determine damage.
Myeah, I preferred other anime like Gundam Wing and Outlaw Star back during the golden age of Toonami, and anime that I bought like Cowboy Bebop, FLCL and Trigun . Still thought the fights were pretty epic, but entire episodes consisting of nothing but constipation noises and reaction shots didn't make me a huge fan.
Loved playing X-Wing Alliance when I was younger. Wonder if it'll still work. I know some people have made high-rez model mods for it and such.
Yeah, except Eve Online doesn't have the same kind of gameplay as the X-Wing series, as in cockpit views, fighter piloting and such.
Really wish they'd bring back the X-Wing series. A game like that with today's graphics and open-world gameplay would be GLORIOUS. Unfortunately, there's not much money in the flight/space simulator business these days...
And not just Pyro, but what appears to be Sailor Pyro.