
More cars need this color.

Could work if it's done right. This pic did it pretty good, it's got feathers but it's still obviously a goddamn T-Rex

Here's a variation based on eagles

Feather dinos can be scary if done right, like the raptors in Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. This variation is based on vultures.

Heh, took a few tries when I was a kid until you learn to blow up the skeletons and then it was ridiculously easy every run afterwards.

Velociraptor sounds cooler than Deinonychus anyways.

Complete with boob health meter.

I rationalized it as being a juvenile.

Clear in relation to what? Clear as a fresh Rocky Mountain stream, or clear as my toilet after a visit to Taco Bell?

My thoughts exactly. Humility and respect can be far more constructive than anger and negativity.

I agree 100%. There needs to be a healthy relationship between creator and fan/critic. Not just in video games, but in general, such as movies, music, etc. etc. I feel more respect for a person who says "I didn't care for that game/movie, but I respect the creator, and I'll tell him what I think he should improve

As someone in the creative realm(graphic and motion designer), constructive criticism is very helpful. But, from what I've seen of reactions to other creators(I'm a bit too obscure to attract too much attention), that is few and far between on the internet. And then there's the hyperbole. My god, the hyperbole. If

Yeah, makes me sometimes just want to disconnect from the larger nerd community, and just enjoy my nerdy things quietly.

I actually prefer sleeping with multiple pillows, but 4 could be a bit too much. 2 is about right.

(sorry, I replied this same thing in another copy of your post but since you may have hit reply in the wrong comment for that copy, I'm reposting here)

My view is...there's a place for pure art, and there's a place for pure entertainment. And art can be entertaining and entertainment can be artsy. Knowing del Toro, this movie will probably be entertainment with a bit of an artsy flavor. People are already seeing shoutouts to (obviously)Portal, Evangelion and even

Just tell yourself, it's just a show, so you really should relax.

People have said the same thing about books in the 1800s. And what we now call classical music in the 1700s, and on and on back to the dawn of time. If there's one constant in every era, it's that there will be people claiming that the golden age is over, culture is dying and the end is near.

Yes, because its always best to judge movies by their 2-minute long teasers....*rolls eyes*