
He’s a glue guy. Good fundamentals. Blah blah. And a couple more veiled pro-white descriptions.. 

That car would’ve had a bottle holder for the driver. They didn’t have the feeder lines through the suits and helmet back then

It’s actually Aaron eckhart


That’s a sure way to get the beans above the frank!

Have gotten two from this method. Best cutting boards I have. And I have a boos and one that comes form from an $1800 canadel kitchen island. (Didn’t buy island)

Have gotten two from this method. Best cutting boards I have. And I have a boos and one that comes form from an

And multiple facelifts

You go to the wrong stores! Stay out of the Tr”Ashley” or Crapley” home stores!

Counting the ripples equals a match with impala.

You bastard. Have my star


Much like racist jokes, that’s funny because of the sterotypes. But damnit if you’re not right. Shit! Am I now part of the problem?? FML

You sweet genius.


You sick bastard.... i love it!

No mention of Jacobs being 10-15lbs(some thought as much as 20lbs heavier by bell time? Definitely part of his strategy and ability to take punches.!

Pubic hair? What is this 1991?

I’ve only seen the first 4 or 5 replies but I’m already out of +’s... you guys are funny!!!

Seems to be $39. Am I missing a code?

Seems to be $39. Am I missing a code?

Video is a fake. I recognize the bike and M.O. From some YouTube bully fail compilations. These are usually set to music and he always has a perfect camera angle of someone littering then he follows long enough to either throw the litter through the window or tape it to the mirror etc etc. FAKE