Inbred Scratchoff Winner

What an ass-hat of an attorney.

Send a guy down there with a flashlight. I'm curious if there's Pink Slime there!

If you're gonna troll, Doogla, at least do it well.

The Form 990 for Magic Johnson Foundation, Inc. is not a ringing endorsement for Magic Johnson's charitable activities. The charity received approximately $2,000,000 in donations (line 8), however it only spent $500,000 on charitable purposes (line 13). The remainder went to salaries (line 15) and other expenses

This comment needs to be removed, and we need a way to flag shit like this.

Years ago, my godmother (who was in the news business in CA) said that Connie Chung could crack open walnuts using only her bare hands.

Clinton-Dix went to the wrong school. This photo-essay would have made him an Academic All-American at UNC.

Seems more fitting now than ever that Blake's tennis hero is Arthur Ash.

It's never good when the story involves you and Eric LeGrand and you come off as the spineless one.

I used to do this all the time as a child too. It's called "not having a dad"

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

Doesn't matter in this case — the NBA can interpret its own bylaws in whatever way it chooses, bound only by rationality. And given the way this is set up (essentially, the Members agree that any disciplinary hearings held by the Commish are the equivalent of binding arbitration and their sole recourse), Sterling has

I don't know. Not a litigator here, but a private conversation that was illegally recorded (CA is a two-party state) seems like it might fail the willful test. At a minimum, it seems like it would be enough to warrant an injunction.

I don't understand how Baylor could work for that man for 22 years and not know he shouldn't take a picture next to a black guy.