Clint Alexander

Hi random burners and unapproved Adequate Man commenters, I realize this post has now been cross posted to many of Gawker’s other blogs.

I’ll give you $50 bucks

Take them to school, dipshit.

I thought it was about these guys:

V-necks are the only suitable undershirt to actually wear under a button up and let them serve their intended purpose.

15. Getting hit by a car.

Plain White T-Shirts, Ranked

In case you momentarily forgot which website you were reading, let me say right here up at the top that I am not a

Arguably worse is when people slow down to 20mph below the fucking speed limit for a cop. He’s not going to pull you over for doing 60 in a 65, you don’t have to do 50!

Unless it’s a divided highway, even an oncoming emergency vehicle requires you to slow/stop and pull to the side in most jurisdictions.

Re: Slowing down for a police car (or “police car”)

The only comment I had after reading this was:

Exactly. Also, just nuke that shit in a small cup before you put it on your food. So much better warm.

As others have responded, sugar actually is a preservative, but only in high concentrations. Basically bacteria didn’t evolve to live in high concentrations of sugar (lose water through osmosis, yadda yadda yadda, nerdy nerdy nerdy...), so they’re not gonna grow in syrup. I’d hazard a guess that on the surface, you’ll

If it’s real maple syrup, as opposed to maple flavored sugar sludge, you are supposed to refrigerate it:

We need to replace all regulation baseballs with golf balls.

He made Thriller. THRILLER.