Climate Rage

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.-Mahatma Gandhi

Politeness to Nazis is how we got where we are.

I get a lot of fearmongering/slippery slope fallacy in your post

And your stance on wedding cakes for gay couples?

It’s all evil. Pure, unadulterated evil in the name of capitalism, privatization, greed, and profit.

I would argue against this for pure irony, but you are far too correct for me to even muster the energy. Well said!

Worst thing I did online? That’s easy, I argued with someone. No greater waste of time, typing, internet bandwidth, electrical energy, etc., etc., etc. That’s like being shot in a rocket towards the nearest star; you will never reach a conclusion before you die and the trip there is pretty much worthless.

Holy shit! I am impressed and horrified.

My wife had a coworker that would bully her at the office, say really mean passive aggressive shit and do things to interfere with my wife getting work done. She would call me names to other people just loud enough for my wife to over hear, make snide comments about my wife’s looks or clothes. My wife let it go for a

Worst thing I’ve done? Signed up for Facebook

NO! NOOOOOOOOO!!! [smashes a display case in anger; Both pause, shocked] I will not sacrifice Star Trek. We’ve made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They wrote terrible scripts, and we fall back. They abused workers, and we fall back. Not again! The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!

Showrunners Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts are out,

“Isn’t getting yelled at by bosses kind of par the course for a job?”

Kurtzmann is the mastermind behind the Mummy, Star Trek Into Darkness and Transformers 2.

There is no concern of whether they are going to be well educated or passed through courses because they are athletic, you know, like UNC?

*takes a deep drag on his cigarette*
We all are

I think you’re in the wrong timeline.

I am personally looking forward to next year, when they have to codify exactly what “taking a knee” means w/r/t this policy, which will be over 20 pages and completely inscrutable and will almost certainly include the requirement that the player’s protest “survive the ground”.  

Ya know, at the start of the game, BOTH pitchers are working on perfect games. It really is rude of any batter to try to get a hit in that situation.

So you’d have sleazy reserved for adults interacting or? We have “illegal” for that. Yes, anytime someone with a distinct advantage attempts to gain a relationship they are otherwise not likely to get, that’s sleazy. If you can’t fondle a twenty-something without a job, money, or influence, and yet with