I think we'll be playing Risk: Legacy again in my board game group, which I want to get back to after a few weeks off. We've also started a Seafall campaign, which I like, but it's a bit too sandboxy for me (at least at this early stage).
I think we'll be playing Risk: Legacy again in my board game group, which I want to get back to after a few weeks off. We've also started a Seafall campaign, which I like, but it's a bit too sandboxy for me (at least at this early stage).
Jesus. R.I.P.
Fuller is chameleon-like.He looks entirely different every time you see a picture of him.
Similarly George Takei for decades.
Oh, at the time it seemed plain that he was playing the character gay (unlike his character in Terminator). And then after about four or five episodes that changed into him being in love with Claire. (Was that her name?)
My recollection is that Catelyn has an internal monologue chastising herself for her treatment of Jon rather early in the first book.
A couple of years ago he'd never warged at all. That he's only so/so at it (and by that I mean no worse than the second best warg ever known on the Continent) now doesn't mean he won't get better.
That is a terrifying picture, but it's clearly that he's being photographed by two people at once and is looking towards the higher camera.
How come no bones?
Get over it.
Macarons, Napoleons. Jesus, I need to get to that French bakery near me this weekend.
You people are all missing the most important point — Frank Darabont made Raines, so they should have given him whatever he wanted.
Private emails though. If he were saying that shit all over town it'd be a different story.
Yeah, I think class size is less correlated with quality than we think.
I published a little article in a newsletter about securities law once. The editor didn't rough it up too bad, but she did unnecessarily truncate a sentence in the first paragraph and put in a couple extraneous commas. And I couldn't even bitch about it because she was a partner in my firm.
I'm not as picky.
I say it's more likely this never happened, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to say there's never been **any** evidence of Allen being a pedophile, as that word is used in common English. (As a term of art, maybe not.)
You seemed to be quoting the prosecutor's statement that there was a case as evidence that there was a case in an attempt to convince people that there was a case. It isn't.
I knew a guy who turned out to be a horrible monster (really fucking terrible stuff). We were friendly, but never friends, and the facts about the case became known after I'd gone to college out of town and we had lost touch. It's certainly weird to think about, but there's not a doubt in my mind that he did it.