If that’s not a penalty, then your penalties are screwed up.
If that’s not a penalty, then your penalties are screwed up.
Everybody wants to denigrate Black Americans when it’s easy and convenient to follow that narrative that a large part of the world believes, but then at the same time, want to emulate and BE like us. There are no people (especially people of color) on this planet who don’t take a lot of their cues from Black…
Yes!!!!! This fool is the same type to be divisive about ethnicity, race, class, gender, etc. in Africa. As an African with friends and family from various socio-economic, religious, ethnic groups, I can say coons like are generally considered an embarrassment because they rarely have anything intelligent to add yet…
You tried it... I never lived in a ghetto EVER.. and my black ass family said all of this... and we are well-educated. And please don’t act like Africans can’t be hood as hell.
Nice try BMW owner.
I think the fact that he does not know or even care who the QB of the Jets is his exact point.
I’m just waiting for somebody to eventually snap and beat one of their asses in public. Like, not every one of us could (and should) have the patience of Job.
One of the more depressing realizations to come from The Great Awhitening of November 2016 is that even after Trump is gone, and even after some semblance of sanity is restored to our democracy, what will still be there - what will take forever and a day to erase - is the legitimization of fuck boy behavior on a…
This is the best reply.
Today I Didn’t Learn: who Clay Travis is.
According to KHOU, Davis said Malikah asked for help in collecting an inheritance she was left by her father...
CT5, CT6, ATS, CTS, XTS....goddammit, I want the old names back. Gimme a Deville, Seville, Eldorado, Fleetwood, Talisman, even a Catera instead of this alphabet soup nonsense. Find this ONE WAY not to ape the Germans and I’d respect Cadillac a lot more.
I know this will be FILED TO: DUH, but there has to be more to this story than just a one-minute phone call to an escort service. I mean, this isn’t Rick Pitino we’re talking about here.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say MN police officer Mohamed Noor will be thrown UNDER the jail before the summer is up for the shooting of the Blonde Australian Yoga Teacher.
How did it get so dusty in here all the sudden?
So, um, gofundme or something?
Full sincerity here; we’ll miss you and your writing here. I’m continually sad to see so many brilliant writers leaving this place, but I understand. It’s tough watching this place get slowly defanged and made increasingly mainstream and Voxian, but damn if you all aren’t magnificent at what you do.