
Seatbelts, everybody!

My work had a costume party yesterday but I had client meetings so I’m one of the few dressed up today. My dog is going as “confused” which is her natural state. 

it’s important you actually make plans with him ahead of time for those non-gaming nights ... Plan some fun dates that get him off his ass and out of the house. Help him find the excitement in the real world again.

That’s kinda the point. With all the think pieces about “millenials are ruining everything,” the joke is that those statements hold as much value as saying “snake people are ruining everything.”

If Frightened Rabbit weren’t already an internationally renowned band “Frightened Turtle” would be a superb band name.

Long hair isn’t usually my thing either, but Hemsworth has always been My Top Chris. He’s mind-scorchingly hot.

Stay in California pal, but maybe let your daughter learn about the great country beyond your short-sighted perspective in California. A tru class act you must be and I’m sure your daughter is proud. Just FYI, Purdue is putting another one of their now 23 astronauts into space in the coming weeks. Purdue was also just

I wish I could remember who it was on Jalopnik last week that called it “meswolethelioma” because that’s all I can think about when people talk about sweet gains.

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.