
We went as Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry, so timely we are not.

How old is the header image? I hope a couple decades, otherwise Mike must have had a hard couple of years.

This feels like a good place to ask a for help with something that’s been bugging me for a while. I have memories from childhood of cartoon characters plucking donuts from clouds, and dipping them into their coffee. I mentioned this to my wife, and she thought I was crazy, and I haven’t been able to find a clip to

Is the endoscope code broken for anyone else?

Is the endoscope code broken for anyone else?

Better way is to just treat them all as base 36, and convert to base 10:

The Newberry Mills links seem to be broken.

The Newberry Mills links seem to be broken.

I feel like the lead was buried on this one. That article mentions goldfish gulping, which turns out is exactly what it sounds like.

If there were roughly 3 million people marching, wouldn’t a 300 million pound march mean the average weight was 100 pounds? Seems awfully skinny to me.