
As someone who cant see out of one eye, I would like to thank the 3DS for reminding me that I can't see out of one eye. Like Link shooting an arrow, straight to my heart.

If big banks start charging outrageous fees, the ones who dont are going to rake in customers. Congress did this because banks SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN MAKING THAT $15.2 BILLION IN THE FIRST PLACE. If these big banks decide to find other ways to abuse their power, guess what, congress can step in again. The banking system

I like coffee, I like Macs, I guess I'm that hipster douche? Imma douche out your vag now.

lol but u sure gave them ur 2 cents hahHAHAHAAHA

Sad, sounds like you got someone who wasnt performing at all. I don't believe they work on commission, but it sounds like they have bad managers who really push the accessories thing. My MBP purchase last week was quite the opposite: he just asked if I wanted Apple Care, I said I'd get it later, that was it.

I honestly feel stupid for just now understanding what computing is like these days. My old MB was slooooow. The new MBP is great. I watched my first 1080p YouTube video! And for kicks I opened a second one and a third one and ran them all at once, quickly switching between full screen and back just because I could. I

According to Forbes (link below), the iPad 2 has 512MB of system memory. Where did you get your number?

The quote is this:

Dont worry about it, you did fine. Thunderbolt is really interesting for the industry as a whole, but wont have any practical, affordable, or useful saturation for 1.5-2 years when it replaces ports. I got the 13" i7 yesterday and while I'm happy, at the end of the day it doesnt feel differen from my brothers machine,

I would hope that Thunderbolt is adopted, right? Being that its superior i/o and on track for 100gbps. USB has been around way too long. Time to innovate, and thats whats happening. USB 2/3, Firewire 4/8, and all optical media need to go away.

My 5 year old Macbook gets like 20 minutes of being awake, its adorable. I pretend hes my grandpa. We are getting a new macbook today though. Battery shot, charger shot, 80gb hd is comical. Was disappointed there was no clever SSD integration, but the processors are stellar upgrades from my 2.0gh C2d.Gonna go with the

First time hearing "Beats By Dre" and "Audiophile" in the same sentence. 256kbps M4A works for me. Cheap to mid priced headphones can't really take advantage of much more anyway.

But ender89, if those hipsters don't exist, you won't have anything to define yourself against.

Lots of good perspectives that point to other reasons for the decline, but I also wanted to throw in something that I think has had a dramatic effect. The actual production of music has become dramatically less expensive in the last decade. Pro Tools went from $6K+ to $600, and Audacity is free and extremely powerful.

My recollection may be wrong, but it seems the last photograph could only be taken by stepping into the driveway. They have kids, you know?

Well, Apple reached 10 million songs in 2004, and then 10 billion by 2010. From 2008 to 2011, they distributed 10 billion Apps exclusively to the iPhone. I know my habits have shifted considerably to download my media directly to my phone, and everyone else I know does the same.

I mean, the dude took a flying kick straight to the face and barely flinched. I would say they have a serious uphill climb if he can take that no problem. Thats what this ad is about, right?

If you want to see harsh terms, look at the agreement Sony Music has with their artists.

Packaging supposedly intimate details of a friend into a book and selling them on Amazon is totally OK with this guy, though.