Lovin' Fistful

you have surrendered your humanity

The Kelly master bathroom, 9:35 a.m.

The Kelly Living Room, 10/29/17, 9:00 pm

The Kelly apartment kitchen, 9:00 pm

The Kelly Apartment, 10:00 pm

your humble Newswire writer saw Al perform when he was 12 years old

Cain killed his brother Able

Oh! Thanks for clearing that up.

“Well, what about the massacres in Sri Lanka, honey? Doesn’t that affect us too? Do you know anything about Sri Lanka? How, like, the Sikhs are killing tons of Israelis over there?”

Do white guys have different brains?

Haha, next time they should go with Latham, Watkins & Mountain.

Car company’s failure to defend its trademark could have weakened its claim to ownership of it. Cost of litigating was negligible, especially in service of larger goal of maintaining strength of the mark.

Well, if your name is a registered trademark with acquired distinctiveness in the relevant market and massive numbers of consumers will be confused, yes. You must have done a lot better in law school than their general counsel did, huh?

Your impassioned pleas will be heard by a staffer who is paid far to little to listen to them.

Think you can boycott Amazon to any effect? Shop at Nordstrom Rack? Please destroy grammar while you’re at it.

At or below-cost pricing to muscle everyone else out of the market, only to be able to set your own price later? That’s “doing God’s work”?