Clever Username

Thanos isn’t a sociopath, he’s every first year CompSci student. He thought of one bodged together, half-arsed solution to his problems and couldn’t be arsed to see if there was a better one elsewhere.


People complain about the stale weekend update jokes all the time. I don’t get it. You’re telling me that jokes about a Guns N Roses CD title, the ninja turtle cartoon, “The Secret”, and Roseanne Barr aren’t timely?

Okay, we need to talk about DeNiro on SNL—don’t have DeNiro on SNL.

I haven’t read it anywhere, but just from observation, it’s used in marketing as a selling point/distinguishing feature. I don’t know how much it actually sways people on the retail floor, other than being an impressive sounding thing that differentiates the $1,500 TV from the $1,000 TV.

The “Frank is a homophobe” stuff will never be played out in my eyes. His completely outdated form of bigotry is always hilarious to me.

The 5.1 mix of that song is amazing. 

Personally I’ve always been of the opinion that if the costume’s good enough, then face paint shouldn’t be necessary. If you dress like Michael Jackson from Thriller down to a wig, then you shouldn't need racist face paint for people to get what you’re going for. And if they don’t, then hey, you probably made a shitty

You can take the person out of Fox News, but you can’t take the Fox News out of the person.

I’m more amazed that someone recognized Chad Kelly.

To make things a little more clear: on NES Tetris, pieces almost instantly get stuck to the stack. You don’t have the long grace period of more recent Tetris games that allow you to slide the piece around on the stack. Also, the horizontal speed of the pieces when you hold a direction is very poor compared to the

He regrets that Courtney Smith spoke and Brett McMurphy reported it.

I tried to hail a cab today and I accidentally picked off a Christian Hackenberg pass.

Right...because playing 90 in the DC heat and humidity and making a 50 yard run to make the key play is exactly the same as someone running a dozen steps after the 18th TV timeout. 

Hello, I have the honor/distinction of having the first reader question that you answered in this series. As an update, we didn’t force the kid to continue playing, which drove her older sister to immediately request taking over the guitar and lessons and she has been killing it! As an added bonus, it has made her to

Why does this column have to end? It was the best and should last at least until the day of my funeral.

The first film was terrible for many reasons, but the biggest for me was that the direction was so poor at establishing the layout of the house that there was never a sense of where any character was at any given point. It was confusing and killed all tension.

It’s the Sophie’s Choice fans I can’t stand. Always wanting to remake it so she picks the other kid....

Because modern third parties are going about things in the stupidest way possible.

Then why do lady elephants take so much time in the bathroom?