Clever Username

Justice - Woman Worldwide is a great album and deserves to be on any 2018 best of list. Even though its really just a remix album they combine their music in such interesting ways it feels fresh to me.

I never understood why it is on by default on all TVs. What do they gain from this? Did some evil mad scientist bribe all TV makers to do this in order to ruin everyone’s experience? Does every TV maker think it is an improvement and can’t comprehend it sucks? I just don’t get it.

Ghostbusters was enjoyable but forgettable. Not sure exactly what they were expecting to come from it though. It’s still just a comedy (expensive one at that). How many comedies result in sequels at all let alone a trilogy.

NIN is one of the best live bands on the planet so I really hope he doesn’t retire...again. It’s ok to say “I might take a long break” instead of acting like you are never going to perform the music you spent your entire adult life making.

I think my favorite is The Prophet’s Song. It’s a bit over the top with the vocals towards the end but I love the guitar.

Ugh not this shit again. Yes blackface used to mean something more specific but now its a generic term. It all falls under the umbrella of being offensive. Language changes over time. Get over yourself.

It’s been a really long time for me too but if you get your license at 16 you can’t vote yet and you might not have to go to the dmv for years afterwards. So when you are actually of voter age you just never get around to it until you are motivated enough to do so. I wasn’t registered to vote until after I graduated

I don’t think you even know who John Mulaney is with a statement like this. Now if you said Kevin Hart is the black Dane Cook then you might be on to something.

Mulaney is one of the funniest comedians out there today. Go watch his latest Netflix special and then you can judge him. He’s not a legend like Seinfeld and Rock but most aren’t.

I think the problem is not that kids hate crusts (although all kids have irrational food issues) but that the bread that is served to kids is typically the cheap wonderbread type bread and it has a bitter tasting crust. I grew up eating that stuff and yeah I didn’t like crust either. Now as an adult I enjoy the crust

Besides what you mentioned one of my biggest complaints is that you would see a sub on TV like the chicken teryiaki and it looked really good and then when you order it they say “what do you want on it?” What do you mean what do I want? I want what is supposed to come on it.

Also I hate sub places that just throw

Her performance at the VMAs was great. She needs to build off that momentum. I listened to her album for the first time after seeing it. I had no desire to see her on tour but now I’d consider it.

I’m confused as to what is supposed to garner internet outrage at this point. Weeks ago there was a high school girl who wore a Chinese style dress to prom and the internet freaked out and accused her of cultural appropriation. Meanwhile on this episode Nicki Minaj went 1000% more Asian on national TV in front of

Yeah good point. The WGA is the same way which is why there are so many uncredited writers on things.

I find the constant battle over credit on movies to be really stupid. I think most guild rules are meant to protect people but if you do work on something you should get credit for it. Is it so hard to say “Directed By Ron Howard” and then the next credit be “Additional Direction by...”

Yeah I understand what you mean. I think it all comes down to personal expectations for certain genres. I know that a “different” horror movie is still probably going to have most of the cliches and problems that plague horror movies. Same with comic book movies. But it seems like your expectation is genre

It had a really clever gimmick that made me constantly think about what I would do if it was after me. And it wasn’t a sequel. I was actually excited to watch it because of the gimmick and I don’t get excited about any horror movies.

I don’t know enough about pre sale numbers to know but I feel like they only give you an indicator of opening weekend numbers. To make Black Panther money you need people coming consistently over several weeks and most people don’t buy tickets in advance.

I agree there will definitely be some more people interested as a result of Black Panther but I still don’t think it will be the pop culture sensation that Black Panther has become. And that’s what it takes to make as much money in America. I could be totally wrong though. We will find out soon enough.

I don’t expect it to make more money domestically. Infinity War only appeals to the people who have watched all the Marvel films while Black Panther appeals to those same people AND a lot of people who wouldn’t otherwise want to go see a Marvel movie. Infinity War might make more money internationally but I don’t